Slovensko/Česko, 2021, far., 75’, MN 15, AT, dokumentárny
Slovensko/Česko, 2021, col., 75’, R15+, English friendly, documentary 


réžia/director: Zuzana Piussi

scenár/screenplay: Zuzana Piussi

kamera/DOP: Miro Remo

strih/editor: Šimon Špidla

zvuk/sound: Adam Matej, Jan Richtr

hudba/music: Lucia Piussi

producent / producer: Vít Janeček (SK/CZ)

výroba / production: VIRUSfilm (SK), D1film (CZ), Rozhlas a televízia Slovenska (SK)


Procesy, ktoré spustila smrť Jána Kuciaka a jeho snúbenice, viedli k mnohým odhaleniam zlyhávania inštitúcií, ale zároveň priniesli Slovensku aj nádej na zlepšenie. Film Očista sleduje zblízka príbeh snahy o očistu justície a započatie jej reformy, ktorá by mala viesť k naplneniu spravodlivosti. 
Film reflektuje dva výnimočné prípady konfrontácie s justíciou.

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The law represents a fixed order of social relations. When this order is questioned, society finds itself immersed in uncertainty, in a fog. “Fog” is also the code name of the operation investigating the corruption of judges exposed in the Threema application found in the mobile phone of the infamous “entrepreneur” Marián Kočner. The documentary deals with what the Threema application exposed and the implications thereof. Through the (his)stories of the judges, entrepreneurs and ordinary people, the film maps out the consequences of the system of justice falling apart, which is fatal for the whole country, as well as for democracy.



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